What We Do

Al-Laar Muslim Care Foundation has been “Bringing Hope To Life” for over a decades alleviating poverty, hunger & providing humanitarian relief in over 10+ districts around the Uganda. Recognised for our outstanding work in villages across Uganda. We have been working for over 10 years to alleviate the impacts of poverty & sickness. We kick-start development in remote villages around Uganda, empowering rural communities by providing the basic necessities of life from Water, Sanitation, Education, Livelihood and Socio-Economic Development thus lifting them out of poverty.


Order Zabiha/Qurban to feed the needy for any occasion/reason, such as: Hajj, Eid, increase rizq, restore health, successful surgery, remove burdens/ obstacles/ problems, pass exams, better job, get married, bless a marriage/new baby/new job, and gifted as thawab (reward) on the soul of a deceased loved one to benefit.

Ramadan Emergency Appeals

Whether an emergency is caused by natural or man-made disasters, climate change, drought, famine or war, our dedicated on-the-ground teams work to prevent loss of life and reduce suffering as much as possible for affected children, as well as their families and communities.

Build a water well

Prophet Muhammad said the best charity is to give water. He also said to construct a well is Sadaqa al-Jaariya, an everlasting donation that rewards you or a deceased loved one continuously, even in the grave. Providing fresh water to rural African villages often for the first time was very dear to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s heart! He launched this effort in 2010 and personally donated to it.
About us

Welcome to the
Al-Laar Muslim Care Foundation

Our commitment to humanitarian endeavors extends beyond borders. We take pride in having successfully completed hundreds of Sadaqa Jariyah projects around the East Africa , positively impacting the lives of millions. Our teams have completed Masjids, Housing Projects and Water Stations whilst providing education opportunities, caring for Orphans, empowering Widows and more.

We pride ourselves in complete transparency by updating our donors each step of the way on the project progression and a final report with images and videos once it is complete. Your Sadaqa and Zakat helps the most vulnerable and needy in order to uplift the Muslim Communities around the World.

Join Our Qurban Campaign

Share the Blessings

Order Zabiha/Qurban to feed the needy and fulfill your spiritual obligations. Participate for various reasons, including:

  • Hajj & Eid: Celebrate religious occasions.
  • Personal Blessings: Increase rizq, restore health, or seek success.
  • Life Milestones: Bless marriages, new babies, or new jobs.
  • Overcome Challenges: Remove obstacles and burdens.
  • Honor Loved Ones: Gift as thawab for deceased loved ones.

Your Qurban will provide essential nourishment to those in need. Join us today and make a difference.

How we help.

Give a future full
of choices

Sadaqa Jariya

Sadaqa Jariya is ongoing charity (continuous rewards) for good actions and deeds, that will not only benefit us in this life, but will continue to benefit us after our death.
Below given are some good actions and deeds:

Donate and contribute to any Sadaqa Jariya Project
Help a child to continue his or her Education.
Donate towards building a school giving poor children and orphans the gift of education.
Donating towards building and supporting Medical Clinics and Rehabilitation Centres.
Donate and/or actively participate in building of a Mosque.
Building or donating to build an Orphanage.
Supporting Orphans Education and Food requirements.
Donate to dig and build water wells, every time people use this wells you will receive hasanat. ( Help build water wells or maintain water wells )
Sadaqa Welfare Fund is actively engaged in Sadaqa Jariya projects worldwide, donate now to be involved in Sadaqa’s funding of sadaqa jariyah project costs all year round



▪️It is Sadaqa al-Jaariya, everlasting charity that rewards you or living/deceased loved ones continuously, even in the grave.

▪️You take baraka on every drop of water, and with regular maintenance our wells last ten years.

▪️For added benefits, we now install wells in our sponsored FEED THE NEEDY villages.

▪️Media and inscription (engraved handpump) are available by request at no cost.


▪️Improves children’s health by 73%, improves adult health by 58%

▪️Enhances community well-being through clean homes, businesses, mosques, schools, public areas, autos

▪️Crops yield 68% more (reducing food insecurity), animal care improves

▪️Children study more as time fetching water decreases by 81%

▪️Family well-being increases with less stress

▪️Take baraka on every drop of water for ten years


Masjid/Mosques Building

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever builds a Masjid for (the sake of) Allah, then Allah will build a similar house for him in Paradise.” (At-Tirmidhi)

We build Masjids/Mosques in different parts of the country each year for communities in need.

Building a masjid is not only an excellent means of earning Sadaqa Jariyah reward but is also a means of providing needy Muslims from around the world with a place of spiritual refuge, comfort, shelter and strengthening.

Our teams carefully survey the needs of the people we provide aid to and if it is found that a village or town does not have its own Masjid, we campaign to collect the funds to build one.

In areas where masjids have collapsed or have been damaged due to war or natural disasters, we re-build the masjid so it can once again be utilised by worshippers.

We also assign paid Imams and teachers to conduct Quran and Islamic classes in the masjids. We also ensure that there are female teachers in the masjid so that the sisters in these poverty-stricken areas have access to a proper Islamic education.

The cost of building a masjid differs depending on the material used and the district they are being built in.

We build the masjid structures from local materials to ensure that we follow the proper building guidelines in areas that are prone to natural disasters.

Now is a great time to assist us in building these much-needed Masjid/Mosques leaving a legacy of supported Sadaqa Jariyah projects should always be our intention to please Allah SWT.

We always see hope

“Establish Salat and pay Zakat and obey the Messenger so that you may be favored with mercy.”
Holy Qur’an, 24:56

Prophet Muhammad (s) said: “Pay Zakat from your property, for verily, it purifies you.”
Musnad Ahmad

Why Allah ordered us to pay Zakat?

Zakat purifies us and our property, our wealth with Allah is increased, and we are rewarded.

It purifies our hearts from selfishness, greed, envy, jealousy, and increases good will.

It decreases suffering of the needy, makes the wealthy socially responsible, and gives financial security to the poor.

Eligible Muslims who do not pay zakat are often struck with sudden, unexpected circumstances that are only resolved by spending a lot of money. Allah ordered us to pay zakat, so He takes a small portion of our wealth either willingly or unwillingly

We need your help.

Featured Campaigns

It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow you get rid of everything that is not essential to makihave to get bad.

Volunteer Positions Available


Staff and volunteers across 16 countries


Of our staff in these countries are local


Invested in all our programs last year 2019


Invested in all our programs last year 2019

“I realize that school can help me achieve my goals and improve my life.”

 Samuel Phelp, Nkoma 

Who we are.

Make a Difference

Figure out what Bright Orphanage Project Uganda is most deserving of your dollars, what proactive missions are. 

Qurbani Sadaqah

We facilitate the distribution of Qurbani meat during Eid al-Adha, ensuring that the less fortunate can also partake in the festivities.

Aqiqah Sadaqah

We perform Aqiqah ceremonies and distribute meat to those in need, celebrating the birth of a child while also providing sustenance to others.


We support educational initiatives, including school construction, scholarships, and educational materials, to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn and grow.

Safety Net

A safety network lets your donations and funds guarantee a safe way network and public

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(WhatsApp) +256757101704

    from our blog.

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    Grab all latest news for charity, donations, crowdfunding, fund-raising or new campaigns Gainlove launch.

    Committed to Transparency

    84% of our total operating expenses fund programs for children in the countries we serve. So when you make a monthly gift or donation to our organization, the majority of your dollars go toward exactly what you intended – supporting children in poverty.

    Do you have questions? Call or visit us.


    Bulambuli, Uganda.



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